If I was a picnic to Goa Teak Jajar I use Sanutra travel packages
from Travel
Goa Jatijajar
nature for thousands of years , there was a beautiful masterpiece that
offers the feel of another . Place an adventure in the bowels of the
earth , yet relaxed and fun which is located 21 kilometers to the south
Gombong , or 42 kilometers west Kebumen .
Goa Jatijajar located at
the foot of limestone mountains . This attraction is very interesting
indeed . This limestone mountain range stretching from north and south
ends jutting into the sea in the form of a cape .
Like most other
attractions in Indonesia , which is almost always kept the legend , the
Cave Jatijajarpun no exception . Words that have a story , this Jatjajar
Goa is a place of old meditated Kamandaka Raden , who then got the DI .
Raden Kamandaka story is then known as a legend Kasarung monkey .
Visualization of the legend can be seen in a diorama that is in the cave
Go inside the cave , however, there is a sense degdegan . Why
not ! Because it felt like entering into a dinosaur ancient animal 's
mouth . Add more if you imagine a dark horror atmosphere in the belly of
the dinosaur . But the anxiety soon vanished , because the room lit by
electric light from end to end . Although the cave mouth wide enough ,
but the abdominal space dinosaurs even wider. On the palate there is a
hole for ventilation . In the middle there is a circular chair seating
visitors enjoying the beautiful stalactites and stalagmites as well as
ornaments diorama Kasarung monkey legend .
Once satisfied to see
this presentation , followed by a trip down the stairs to the room that
is part of the tail of a dinosaur . In this space , you can see the
fountain called Spring . The number of spring there are 4 pieces ,
namely Spring Rose , kantil , Jombor and Puserbumi . Spring Rose is
believed to have magical powers that can make a person stay young , so
every visitor is always taking the time to wash your face with the Rose
Spring water .